<삼총사> 영문판.
1844년에 출간된 알렉상드르 뒤마의 장편소설.
1844년 3월부터 7월까지 신문 <세기 Le Siècle>에 연재되었다. 총사가 되기 위해 파리로 온 가스코뉴 출신의 하급 귀족 ‘달타냥(D'Artagnan)’이 총사 아토스, 아라미스, 포르토스를 만나 벌이는 모험을 그리고 있다. 17세기 프랑스와 영국을 배경으로, 당시 프랑스 국왕이었던 루이 13세 외에도 왕비 안 도트리슈, 리슐리외 추기경, 버킹엄 공작, 슈브뢰즈 공작 부인 등 역사적 인물들이 등장한다. 사실과 허구를 교묘하게 섞은 구성으로 큰 인기를 끌었다.
Author's Preface
1. The Three Presents of D'Artagnan the Elder
2. The Antechamber of M. De Treville
3. The Audience
4. The Shoulder of Athos, the Baldric of Porthos and the Handkerchief of Aramis
5. The King's Musketeers and the Cardinal's Guards
6. His Majesty King Louis XIII
7. The Interior of the Musketeers
8. Concerning a Court Intrigue
9. D'Artagnan Shows Himself
10. A Mousetrap in the Seventeenth Century
11. In Which the Plot Thickens
12. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham
13. Monsieur Bonacieux
14. The Man of Meung
15. Men of the Robe and Men of the Sword
16 In Which M. Seguier, Keeper of the Seals, Looks More Than Once for the Bell
17. Bonacieux at Home
18. Lover and Husband
19. Plan of Campaign
20. The Journey
21. The Countess de Winter
22. The Ballet of La Merlaison
23. The Rendezvous
24. The Pavilion
25. Porthos
26. Aramis and His Thesis
27. The Wife of Athos
28. The Return
29. Hunting for the Equipments
30. D'Artagnan and the Englishman
31. English and French
32. A Procurator's Dinner
33. Soubrette and Mistress
34. In Which the Equipment of Aramis and Porthos Is Treated Of
35. A Gascon a Match for Cupid
36. Dream of Vengeance
37. Milady's Secret
38. How, without Incommoding Himself, Athos Procured His Equipment
39. A Vision
40. A Terrible Vision
41. The Seige of La Rochelle
42. The Anjou Wine
43. The Sign of the Red Dovecot
44. The Utility of Stovepipes
45. A Conjugal Scene
46. The Bastion Saint-Gervais
47. The Council of the Musketeers
48. A Family Affair
49. Fatality
50. Chat Between Brother and Sister
51. Officer
52. Captivity: The First Day
53. Captivity: The Second Day
54. Captivity: The Third Day
55. Captivity: The Fourth Day
56. Captivity: The Fifth Day
57. Means for Classical Tragedy
58. Escape
59. What Took Place at Portsmouth August 23, 1628
60. In France
61. The Carmelite Convent at Bethune
62. Two Varieties of Demons
63. The Drop of Water
64. The Man in the Red Cloak
65. Trial
66. Execution
67. Conclusion