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취업 전쟁에 빠질수 없는 관문 영어인터뷰
글로벌 시대에 있어 영어 면접은 단순한 절차를 떠나 MBA 지원자들의 당락을 결정짓는데 있어서 매우 의미 있는 비중을 차지하는 변수로 자리 잡았습니다.
현재 GE International에 기업금융 부문 책임자로 재직 중인 박정환 상무가 오랜 기간 외국계 금융기관에 몸 담으며 주요 기업의 지원자들에게 꼭 들려주고 싶은 이야기를 책으로 엮었다.
영어 면접은 이제 단순한 어학의 실력을 넘어서 커뮤니케이션의 수단으로 적절하게 활용을 하는가를 시험한다.
보다 효율적이고 차별화 된 접근 형식으로 영어 면접 지침서가 될 기회를 여러분에게 제공하려고 한다.
현재 GE International에 기업금융 부문 책임자로 재직 중인 박정환 상무는 네덜란드 라보은행의 한국 대표를 비롯하여 오랜 기간 주요 외국계 금융기관에 몸담으며 런던과 홍콩 등의 국제 금융 무대에서 다양한 경력을 쌓았습니다.
또한, 카이스트 경영대학원 그리고 한국과학종합대학원에서 초빙/겸임교수로서 봉사하며 취업을 준비하는 많은 학생의 코치로서 활발하게 활동하고 있다. 그리고 영국에 소재한 다국적 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 회사인 Speak First사의 공식 Business Communication 코치로서 다국적 기업의 직원들을 대상으로 communication skill 코칭을 하고 있습니다.
- 서울대학교 경제과
- 고려대학교 대학원 (국제 통상)
- London Business School (재무관리)
- 경기대학교 박사과정 수료
- 現) KAIST 경영전문대학원 겸임강사 (Business Communication)
- 現) 서울과학종합대학원 겸임교수 (Business Communication)
- 네델란드 Rabobank 한국 사무소 대표
- 스위스 EFG 은행 한국법인 대표
- General Electric (GE) International Corporate/Structured Finance 상무
- 現) Sapientia Job Impact 수석코치
- 영어면접
Top 50 job interview FAQ
- Why did you (do you want to) leave your last (current) job?
- Do you consider yourself successful? Why do you say that?
- Do You Know Who Works for Us
- What is your expected salary
- Are you a team player?
- How long will you stay with us if we hire you?
- what does ‘work’ mean to you?
- What is your hobby?
- Have you ever been fired?
- Why would you be an asset to our company?
- Give us an example that you were able to implement an idea that led to a result
- What is your greatest strength
- Did you have any problem with your co-workers?
- What is your ideal job?
- What would your boss/collegues say about you in terms of your strength
- What would your boss say about you in terms of your weakness?
- What makes you to think that he/she is a good/bad boss?
- What was your most memorable job disappointment and why?
- Where do you get the job satisfaction?
- How does your experience match this job?
- What is your ability to work under pressure?
- What brings out ‘your best’ on the job?
- Did you have any problem with your boss?
- What are your views on working hours in terms of overtime?
- What have you learned from your mistake? Can u give us an example?
- If you were to hire someone for this position, what would you look for?
- What is your career plan and how does this position fit in?
- What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
- What qualities do you look for in a boss?
- Tell me about the most ‘fun’ you have had on the job
- Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute
- What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
- Describe your management style
- How would spend your first three months at our company if you joined us?
- Where do you find sense of reward on the job?
- If you decided to leave your current company and join us, will that create any problems?
- What immediate benefits do you bring to us?
- What was the most difficult moment throughout your career?
- What is your passion for the ‘extracurricular’ activities
- What was your biggest professional achievement so far?
- Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?
- Tell me more about your academic background?
- Do you have any question for me?
영어 면접 100일 100문