<흰 송곳니> 영문판. 1906년에 출간된 잭 런던의 장편소설. 설원(雪原)에서 어미를 여읜 새끼 늑대개 ‘화이트 팽(White Fang)’과 인간과의 교감(交感)을 감동적으로 그린 작품으로, 영화 <늑대개>의 원작소설이다.
PART ONE 1. The Trail of the Meat 2. The She-Wolf 3. The Hunger Cry PART TWO 1. The Battle of the Fangs 2. The Lair 3. The Grey Cub 4. The Wall of the World 5. The Law of Meat PART THREE 1. The Makers of Fire 2. The Bondage 3. The Outcast 4. The Trail of the Gods 5. The Covenant 6. The Famine PART FOUR 1. The Enemy of His Kind 2. The Mad God 3. The Reign of Hate 4. The Clinging Death 5. The Indomitable 6. The Love-Master PART FIVE 1. The Long Trail 2. The Southland 3. The God’s Domain 4. The Call of Kind 5. The Sleeping Wolf